Online safety is about behavior, not so much technology. It is important to understand that bad online behavior leads to risks. Protecting personal information such as telephone number, home address and pictures of identification is a must. Reducing a person exposer to harm is also about teaching people to understand the risks they face while online and teach the individual to change their online behavior that cause parents the greatest worries. Parents often struggle with the idea of teaching young people about online safety. In many cases young people are so much more on top of technology, that it makes it difficult for parent's to deal with the problems, as may young people can just switch off.
Online safety is seldom about technology, but has more to do the young person's behavior. The choices they make about what information to share with people is at the centre of online saftey. Ask yourself this would you place all your personal detail's outside in your garden for all to see. Online saftey is just about that, Why post your personal information on the web or put your trust in someome whom you only encountered while browsing the internet?
This key to Cyber Saftey is just this:
- Never post your personal details. (like telephone numbers, address, their full name and school).
- Parents/Guardians should make sure your child does not spend all of thier time on the computer.
- People, not computers, should be their best friends and companions.
- Keep the computer located in an area where it can be seen and viewed, not in your young persons bedroom.
- Learn how to use computers so you can all enjoy using the net safely.
- Teach the young person never to meet an online friend offline unless you are with them.
- Monitor your son or daughters activities online.
- Make sure that your child feels comfortable coming to you with questions they may have.
- Don’t over react if things go wrong, help the young person deal with the problems.
- Keep the young person from going into chatrooms, or the like, unless they are monitored.
- Talk to your children, find out what they like online.
- Get to know their online friends.
- Warn the young person about the way some people us online methods to entrap people into potentially dangerous situations.
By asking questions of yourself about what I need to know you will gain much more experience with making those types of judgments calls on whom you and your child will interact with online. You can then help educate other people in how to stay safe. Remember empowering yourself. is the best form of cyber safety there is.
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